Shipper FAQs
Take a read through MustDeliver's Shipper FAQs to get your questions answered. If don't find the answer you need, we'd encourage you to email or call to let us how we can help you.
Does it cost anything to sign up to MustDeliver?
No. There are no monthly charges or ongoing subscription fees.
Does MustDeliver require a guarantee of volume?
No, the only thing you need to agree to are the Terms & Conditions for use of the platform.
How do I sign up?
Go to the MustDeliver registration page, fill in the information and click Register to get started!
How does MustDeliver work?
MustDeliver matches your shipments with its large pool of vetted, independent owner/operator drivers. You enter shipments via your account on MustDeliver's website, we review the details and provide you with a price. If you're happy with that, we post the shipment to the platform. It is then broadcast to drivers with the correct equipment, in the same geographical region, that best suits your needs and the driver's preferences.
What do I need to do to start shipping?
Register on MustDeliver, enter a credit card for payment and you are ready to ship!
How do I know the status of my shipment?
We notify you when the driver indicates s/he has arrived at the pick-up location, has loaded your shipment, is in transit, is delayed and has delivered the shipment. We also notify you when the driver is 100 miles and 50 miles from the delivery destination. You may also indicate which level of notification you would like if a shipment is delayed on the shipment creation/editing form. E.g., you can specify delayed at all, more than 4 hours delayed, etc. and we will notify you accordingly. This can be set on a per shipment basis.
Does my shipment leave the truck between pick-up and delivery?
No, MustDeliver offers dedicated partial truckload and full truckload services.
How do I report issues with a shipment or damage to cargo?
Please email or call 1-833-933-1833 to report any issues with a shipment.
When do I pay for a shipment and how?
You may either pay via ACH, debit or credit card. A payment link will be included on your MustDeliver invoice.
I have multiple shipping agents/clerks. Can I add them to my account?
Yes, you can add secondary shipping users to your account. You must be logged in to do so. Once logged in, click on Manager link within the top Navigation Menu to view the Shipment Manager. Click on Create New Shipping User link. Provide a first and last name, email address and mobile number for the user. They will receive an invitation to register. You can choose to share shipments and/or locations across users. This setting can be changed within your Shipper Profile. Lastly, you can view a list of your shipping users by clicking the Account Users link in the Manager. Select the Edit link to update their information or disable the user.
How do I track my shipment?
You can track your shipments by going to your Shipments list and clicking the Tracking link for the shipment. You will also receive notifications to your email and/or mobile about the progress of the shipment.